Judaism is one of the oldest religions and the followers of the religion are called as Jews. Many of the principles of Judaism take its origin from Hebrew Bible. The Jews believe that the Covenant between Abraham and God has led to the beginning of Judaism. It has exerted its influence on religions like Christianity and Islam. Judaism is a monotheistic religion and the principles and beliefs are written in their holy book known as Torah. Several divisions exist in Judaism. The people follow a dress code common for the Jewish and pray three times a day. Festivals and holidays are common in the religion and Hanukkah is the widely celebrated festival in the modern times.


Jun 26, 2010 |

Comprehensive guide to Judaism includes daily Torah lectures and Jewish insights.


Jun 26, 2010 |

Web magazine offers resources & services for interfaith couples and families exploring Jewish life.


Jun 26, 2010 |

Provides collection of basic information about Judaism including Jewish beliefs and practice, holidays, Hebrew language, Torah, liturgy, and more.

Judaica, Inc.

Jun 26, 2010 |

Online store offering Jewish books, judaica, software, jewelry, artwork, and music.

Moshiach for Kids

Jun 26, 2010 |

Features games, activities and stories explain to children about the coming of the Jewish Messiah.