Hinduism is being considered as the Sanathana Dharma, rather than a religion. Hinduism is the principal religion in India. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not owe its existence to a founder. It is the oldest tradition and takes root from the Vedic age. Hindu beliefs are varied and include pantheism, monotheism and polytheism. The religion offers much freedom and liberty to its followers. Smartism, Shaktism, Shaivism and Vaishnavism are the chief divisions of Hinduism. Hinduism is renowned for its ability to tolerate other religions. The Hindu scriptures are divided in to Sruti and Smriti. Among the scriptures, the Vedas and Upanishads are the most authoritative references.

About Hinduism

Jun 26, 2010 |

Brief articles on the various facets of Hinduism.

Dharma Central

Jun 26, 2010 |

Official website of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya. Contains articles on meditation, spirituality and self-realization.

Hindu Kids Universe

Jun 26, 2010 |

Info about Hinduism through comics, games, pictures, and more.

Hindu Universe

Jun 26, 2010 |

Features Hindu news, events, activism, authors, temples, classifieds, shopping, biographies, and database of related sites.

Hinduism Today

Jun 26, 2010 |

Information about Hindu the Sanatana Dharma, links to resources on news, events, ashrams, philosophy, art and pilgrimages.

Library of Hindu History

Jun 26, 2010 |

The history of India, including a historical chronology and essays on ancient, medieval and modern history.