China has the credit of being one of the oldest civilizations in the world. The country was powerful in the ancient times. But, after the industrial revolution, the economy of the country was in a bad shape. However, recently the country has witnessed a sharp rise in its economy, almost at par with that of the other world powers. After the Chinese civil war in 1949, the country China got divided into two independent states – The People’s Republic of China and The Republic of China (Taiwan). After the war, the country emerged as a great power with improvements and developments in the fields of industry, technology and farming.
Provides information about travel in China, hotels & fliights booking, including city guides, photos, attractions and culture.
Provides information base about China, including arts, culture, government, law, education, health, entertainment, investment, shopping, travel, and more.
Directory of Chinese companies, importers & exporters and international business details in English with updated information.
Offers details on dates of festivals, events, matchmakers and information on baby's lucky name selection.
Offers information about modern and traditional China, travel, study, news, business, learning material, tools and resources.
China manufacturer directory providing products catalog, trade leads among China factory, manufacturers, suppliers, and global buyers.