Magnetic therapy is a form of alternative medicine which is known to cure many ailments. Magnetic therapy was used thousands of years ago in Greece for therapeutic needs. Magnetic pads are supposed to be a cure for insomnia, joint pain and fibromyalgia. Magnetic wraps, magnetic insoles and magnetic bracelets are used as treatment for many illnesses. It is assumed that the affected part of the body has a positive magnetic field. Our body produces a negative magnetic field which will aid in the healing process. So it has been believed that placing a negative magnetic field close to the body will speed up the process of healing. The therapy is gaining acceptance in the western medicine also.
Precision electrotherapy system designed as an alternative to knee replacement surgery, knee osteoarthritis treatment and general knee pain treatment.
Provides body wraps, braces and supports, foot care, and other magnetic accessories. Includes scientific studies and product catalog.
Offers research review on pulsed electro magnetic therapy device.
Offers magnetic jewelry, body wraps, beds & pillows, books, and water treatment systems.
Offers magnetic items and copper bracelets designed to relieve pains caused by ailments such as arthritis, rheumatism, and tendonitis.
Offers glove, sock, and wrap electrodes. Also includes neuro-muscular stimulation equipment.
Offers variety of magnetic therapy products including mattress and pillow pads, magnetic wraps, shoe inserts, and more.
Offers biomagnetic products assisting with pain relief including bedding, body supports and braces, jewelry, and chairs.