Holistic medicine believes in treating the whole person and not just the disease. It prevents disease and ensures well health by boosting the body’s healing abilities. The different systems of holistic medicine include naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, energy healing and massage therapy. Holistic medicine follows a scientific approach when compared to alternative medicines. The medical system believes in the connection between the mind, spirit and the emotions of the body. Even the diagnostic procedures in holistic medicines are quite different from any other system of medicine. People are looking for alternative medical treatments to avoid taking modern medications. Holistic medicine achieves better health by creating a healthy body, mind and spirit.
Offers general and consumer information, a list of practitioners, conference schedules and membership application for professionals and medical students only.
Involved in providing health plans with gallery of supplements and herbs as well as discussions on health topics.
Overview on courses including admissions details and list of practitioners.
Offers holistic alternative addiction and mental health treatments including drugs, anxiety, alcohol and clinical depression.
Holistic health tips, techniques and strategies for living with chronic illness or chronic pain.
Renowned holistic medicine practice provides first-rate alternative medicine procedures.
Specialist in human growth hormone replacement therapy. Involved in general medical and nutritional practice as well.
Natural health remedies and holistic beauty treatments including supplements, skin treatments, and detox products.