The Chinese medicine is mainly based on traditions and philosophy. The science finds out the cause of illnesses to provide the proper solutions for them. The popular medical system which was prevalent in China for more than thousand years has now been practiced all over the world. Several Chinese medical schools are being established all over the world. Herbal medicines and acupuncture constitute the main part of the therapy. The Chinese medical system is up to date as they have incorporated many principles of western medicine in to their system. Moreover, the constant research combined with several years of practical knowledge has evolved it in to an effective form of medical science that cures many illnesses.

Chinese Herbs Direct

Jun 24, 2010 |

Chinese herbal remedies, formulas and teas for a variety of health conditions.

Dr Shen

Jun 24, 2010 |

Chinese medicine made in USA and imported from Asia for various maladies.

Enwei Group

Jun 24, 2010 |

Chinese formulas for specific maladies.

Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute

Jun 24, 2010 |

Includes relevant information and references on Chinese herbal science studies and research.

TCM Basics

Jun 24, 2010 |

Provides information on the basics of traditional Chinese medicine, theory, diagnosis, and herb classifications.

Tibetan Therapeutics Limited

Jun 24, 2010 |

Offering supplements, teas, balms and creams, and incense.

USA Hunyuan Taiji Academy

Jun 24, 2010 |

Tai Chi and Chinese medicine in New York and Connecticut.


Jun 24, 2010 |

Offers quality and evidence-based modernized traditional chinese medicine and healthcare products.