Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. It originated in China and was once the traditional method of treatment there. Acupuncture is believed to be a cure for many illnesses by restoring the energy balance of human body. The procedure involves the insertion of thin needles over the selected pressure points in the body which has been estimated to be two thousand in number. The practitioners believe that the insertion of the thin metallic needles stimulate certain points on the body and regulates the vital energy (Qi) flow. The surprising fact about acupuncture is that many of the patients feel little or no pain.
Michael Bennett, licensed acupuncturist specializing in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in New York City. Practices on helping patients to increase fertility, weight loss, lifestyle management and more.
Acupuncture and chinese herbs for treatment of infertility and chronic disease. Online store featuring herbal formulas, teas, supplements and facial skin care.
Acupuncture information for patients, students, and practitioners. Feature articles, news, theory, a FAQ, a referal service, and more.
Provides news, articles, links, online discussion forums. Huntington Beach, California.
Specializes in treating muscular degeneration, glaucoma,and other vision related ailments. Micro Acupuncture Centers are located in several U.S. states.
Research, development and distribution of traditional medicine products, with company details, product descriptions, and list of international offices.
Lanika Buchanan operates a mobile naturopathic and acupuncture medical clinic serving Greater Puget Sound.
Santa Monica based practice of Ni Huan-Ching offers traditional Chinese medicine services.
Galina and Elena Semyonova are licensed and board certified acupuncturists and massage therapists.