Learning is a continuous process in life. Even after obtaining a university degree and job, individuals have to learn. They have to be updated with the latest advancements in the field concerned for their career advancement. Continuing education systems offers an admirable solution to this problem. Moreover, the media has an important role in conveying the recent developments in every field. People can find the most reputed educational institutions where they can learn and prosper. In the media dominated world, the selection of career is also based on the media reflection and reviews on that topic. The findings and news on education related topics will be valuable for the students, teachers and the institutions.
A community of student journalists and their works including daily pdfs of college papers, page and photo critiques, personal portfolios etc.
Communications, journalism and training company providing high-quality media training, presentation and communications services.
Free Press is a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media through education, organizing and advocacy.
The site answers various questions about writing for magazines, journalism training, being a freelance journalist and about journalism careers.
Offers journalism courses by distance learning and advice about journalism training and careers in journalism.
Media education based in Edinburgh, Scotland offers media education training, meetings and seminars.
The site helps advance research and education in media analysis and critical thinking by providing links to world news and other resources.
Delivers the premier journalism training products and services including accredited courses; careers information; distance learning etc.
An on-the-job radio broadcasting school at the major radio station for part-time, nights, weekends.
Based in UK, offers visual communication solutions for multimedia authoring, video production and packaging of video discs.