Domain names are being widely used because of the simplicity in remembering the name rather than an IP address comprising of different numerals. All domain names end in a top level domain and the most common is the “.com”. It is better to go for the “.com” while planning to start an online business. The domain name should contain only letters, numerals and hyphens. If the domain name is related to the business of the web site, it will be easy for the visitors to remember it. Domain names have to be registered with a registrar recognized by the ICANN. The registrant will pay a certain fee to the registrar or to a third party to own the domain for some time period. The registrant can renew the agreement on expiry of the term.


Jun 13, 2010 |

Offers easy domain name registration services with a pre-designed homepage, including, .com, and .eu domain names.

Jun 13, 2010 |

Offers domain name registration services, web hosting services and transfer of website domain name registration.


Jun 13, 2010 |

Provides domain registration and hosting solutions.


Jun 13, 2010 |

A global domain registration company that provides a real-time automated domain name registrar service to the clients.


Jun 13, 2010 |

Offers web design, hosting, domain registration, marketing, branding, content-management systems, services.

Fast Hosts

Jun 13, 2010 |

Web hosting company offers a full range of internet services like web hosting, domain name registration, email hosting and reseller web hosting.


Jun 13, 2010 |

Enables businesses to register a domain, set up web hosting and email, manage their online storefront, and market the business.


Jun 13, 2010 |

An approved ICANN domain registrar providing domain name registration, renewal and names transfer and web hosting services.

Network Solutions

Jun 13, 2010 |

Helps businesses get online and grow online with domain name registration, web hosting and innovative online marketing services.

Jun 13, 2010 |

Domain name host in UK offers services like domain name purchase, registration and transfer transactions.