Lots of people prefer home based business as an additional option to earn extra income. But for many, it is the chief source of revenue to make both ends meet. Ladies who desire to work while rearing their small kids prefer such business ideas. Some of them needs a little capital amount, while some does not. Needless to say, many of these works are web based. Other than that, starting a maid service agency or a franchise are good business ideas. But they involve stress and some capital amount is required initially. Online works like writing, affiliate programs and online marketing are also lucrative business ideas.
Home based medical billing and electronic claims processing business.
Provides jobs, business opportunities, home business ideas, chats, message boards and a newsletter for work at home moms.
Offers home business ideas, start up advice, resources, tools, jobs and articles.
Online magazine for home based entrepreneurs and business owners. Offers home business information and articles on work from home and work at home.
Offers research tools, links, tutorials for home business start up and management.
Offers home based business opportunity with microfiber cleaning products including cleaning cloths and mops.